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Display keyword hashes in in expectation error messages

Created by: casperisfine

Ref: Ref:

I spent quite a lot of time figuring this error:

  2) VCR.turned_on passes options through to .turn_off!
     Failure/Error: turn_off!(options)

       VCR received :turn_off! with unexpected arguments
         expected: ({:ignore_cassettes=>true})
              got: ({:ignore_cassettes=>true})
     # ./lib/vcr.rb:317:in `turned_on'
     # ./spec/lib/vcr_spec.rb:367:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

I quickly suspected it was a keyword argument issue, but it's far from obvious to everyone, and even when you are familair with the issue it doesn't tell you what was expected and what was received.

I doubt the way I implemented this is ok, but I think it's worth opening the discussion

  2) VCR.turned_on passes options through to .turn_off!
     Failure/Error: turn_off!(options)

       VCR received :turn_off! with unexpected arguments
         expected: ({:ignore_cassettes=>true}) (keyword arguments)
              got: ({:ignore_cassettes=>true}) (options hash)
     # ./lib/vcr.rb:317:in `turned_on'
     # ./spec/lib/vcr_spec.rb:367:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

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