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Add missing ruby2_keywords calls in rspec-mocks

Created by: eregon

  • And standardize checks to if respond_to?(:ruby2_keywords, true).

cc @bjfish

This is progress towards Before: 25 failures, After: 2 failures left (which seem unrelated):


  1) #any_instance when stubbing aliased methods tracks aliased method calls
     Failure/Error: parent_aliased_method
       undefined local variable or method `parent_aliased_method' for #<AnyInstanceSpec::ParentClass:0x2bb88>
     # ./spec/rspec/mocks/any_instance_spec.rb:20:in `caller_of_parent_aliased_method'
     # ./spec/rspec/mocks/any_instance_spec.rb:210:in `block (4 levels) in <module:Mocks>'

  2) Marshal extensions #dump when rspec-mocks has been fully initialized applying and unapplying patch is idempotent
     Failure/Error: expect { Marshal.dump(obj) }.to raise_error(TypeError)
       expected TypeError but nothing was raised
     # ./spec/rspec/mocks/marshal_extension_spec.rb:46:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

BTW, the reason the code worked before these ruby2_keywords seems accidental and due to a bug/inconsistency in CRuby:

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