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  • Werner Lemberg's avatar
    Speed up FT_Set_Var_{Design,Blend}_Coordinates if curr == new. · 08cd62de
    Werner Lemberg authored
    We exit early if the current design or blend coordinates are
    identical to the new ones.
    * src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (tt_set_mm_blend, TT_Set_Var_Design):
    Implement it, returning internal error code -1 if there will be no
    variation change.
    * src/type1/t1load.c (t1_set_mm_blend): Ditto.
    * src/base/ftmm.c (FT_Set_Var_Design_Coordinates,
    FT_Set_MM_Blend_Coordinates, FT_Set_Var_Blend_Coordinates): Updated.
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