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http: use official IANA Status Codes

RFC 7231 states about HTTP status codes:

Note that this list is not exhaustive -- it does not include extension status codes defined in other specifications. The complete list of status codes is maintained by IANA. See Section 8.2 for details.

Section 8.2:

The "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Status Code Registry" defines the namespace for the response status-code token (Section 6). The status code registry is maintained at <>.

This section replaces the registration procedure for HTTP Status Codes previously defined in Section 7.1 of [RFC2817].

The official list of HTTP Status Codes is maintained by the IANA here. There are other RFCs that define other codes, but these are not official.

From the io.js documentation:

A collection of all the standard HTTP response status codes

I have found a few issues in http.STATUS_CODES.

Missing status codes

These are official Status Codes, but are not defined in STATUS_CODES:

  • 208 Already Reported
  • 226 IM Used
  • 421 Misdirected Request
  • 508 Loop Detected

Status codes with wrong description

These codes have an alternate description that does not match the official standard:

code Official description Description in io.js
302 Found Moved Temporarily
408 Request Timeout Request Time-out
413 Payload Too Large Request Entity Too Large
414 URI Too Long Request-URI Too Large
416 Range Not Satisfiable Requested Range Not Satisfiable
504 Gateway Timeout Gateway Time-out

Non-Standard codes

These codes are not standardized by the IANA, but included anyway:

  • 418 I'm a teapot

  • 425 Unordered Collection
    According to a comment, this is defined in RFC 4918, but it's not. Not even in a draft of RFC 4918.

  • 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded The only mention of this I could find is in Anti-DDoS Throttling of HTTP Requests by User-Agent:

    509 is the (non-standard) Bandwidth Limit Exceeded status code, which might indicate DDoS.

This PR adds missing codes and corrects those with a wrong description, but the falsely included (not official) codes have been kept. IANA's RFC references have been added as comments.

Merge request reports
