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new ESM implementation

This PR updates the current --experimental-modules implementation based on the work of the modules team and reflects Phase 2 of our new modules plan.

A longer form description of these changes can be found in our draft blog post.

The largest differences from the current implementation include

  • packge.type which can be either module or commonjs
    • type: "commonjs":
      • .js is parsed as commonjs
      • default for entry point without an extension is commonjs
    • type: "module":
      • .js is parsed as esm
      • does not support loading JSON or Native Module by default
      • default for entry point without an extension is esm
  • --type=[mode] to let you set the type on entry point. Will override package.type for entry point.
  • A new file extension .cjs.
    • this is specifically to support importing commonjs in the module mode.
    • this is only in the esm loader, the commonjs loader remains untouched, but the extension will work in the old loader if you use the full file path.
  • --es-module-specifier-resolution=[type]
    • options are explicit (default) and node
    • by default our loader will not allow for optional extensions in the import, the path for a module must include the extension if there is one
    • by default our loader will not allow for importing directories that have an index file
    • developers can use --es-module-specifier-resolution=node to enable the commonjs specifier resolution algorithm
    • This is not a “feature” but rather an implementation for experimentation. It is expected to change before the flag is removed
  • --experimental-json-loader
  • You can use package.main to set an entry point for a module
    • the file extensions used in main will be resolved based on the type of the module

Merge request reports
