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perf_hooks: fix webperf idlharness

lib: brand check event handler property receivers

Event handler properties defined by defineEventHandler should check if the receiver is a valid EventTarget.

perf_hooks: fix webperf idlharness

  1. Enforce receiver checks on IDL interfaces.
  2. Avoid prototype manipulation on constructing IDL interfaces with ReflectConstruct.
  3. defineReplaceableAttribute should create IDL getter/setter.
  4. Corrected PerformanceResourceTiming to inherit the public interface PerformanceEntry instead of the internal interface InternalPerformanceResourceTiming.
  5. detail is not a specified attribute on PerfomanceEntry. Node.js specific extensions are moved to a subclass of PerformanceEntry as PerformanceNodeEntry.

perf_hooks: expose webperf global scope interfaces

Exposes PerformanceEntry, PerformanceMark, PerformanceMeasure, PerformanceObserver, PerformanceObserverEntryList, and PerformanceResourceTiming to the global scope.

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