Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
Projects developed by The UNIX Man.
Amazonka extensions.
FreeBSD management tools.
Publications and support packages for them.
PureScript packages we're managing.
High-throughput translator from auditd messages to JSON and then over HTTP/2.
A mirror of the Debian Haskell Group package-plan repository with our own updates in the "tum" branch.
Haskell Server Pages module for Zurb's Foundation.
Parsers for Git URLs.
A branch of DHG_packages which focuses on some more modern and less commercial aspects. The DHG_packages repository mirrors the main repository, and our changes are in the branch "tum".
Hakyll plus PureScript, FontAwesome, and liblawless magic.
Happstack integration with Stripe.
OpenSRS interface for Haskell
Haskell HTTP client library for use with io-streams
LDAP Schema definitions for ldap-client.
A prelude replacement based on protolude, Textual, and Machines.
A set of machine transducers for the Amazonka libraries.