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Debugging and fixing cult

  • Potentially fixed a bug that caused the game to mis-count how many unconvertables there are, and thus unlocking the Summon Nar-Sie objective sooner than it should be.
  • Added a "Check Convertables" verb under the Debug tab to get a list of all players, and whether they can be converted, are already cultists, cannot be converted, aren't human, or have no mind.
  • The get_unconvertables() proc now also check for cult jobbans.

The bug was probably due to the possibility that the game counted every single humans in mob_list, including those with no minds, such as humanized monkeys, the dead clowns at the Clown Roid, or the dead Russian at the Syndicate Mothership. Adding a sanity check for M.mind and checking in player_list instead should fix it.

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