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[WIP] Z-level splitting

Initial commit for Z-level splitting, feel free to assist if you feel like it by making MR's to my zlevelmodify branch on my fork.

Warning: You cannot compile due to compilation errors

Warning: You cannot open any of the maps due to compilation errors

Before my changes, this is how the maps were laid out:

z1 Box Deff Taxi Meta
z2 box_centcomm deff_centcomm taxi_centcomm meta_centcomm
z3 oldtcommsat guardedtcommsat rewardlesstcommsat rewardlesstcommsat
z4 ruskiederelict ruskiederelict taxiderelict ruskiederelict
z5 bigroid smallroid spidership crackedroid
z6 spidership spidership squidroid empty


  • Fix the compile errors. This has everything from voting errors to map define errors.

  • Add a system to allow for randomly picking a z-level from the folder for that z-level (except for centcomm)

  • Make every non z1/z2 have taxi support for derelicts and the like.

  • Make every non z1/z2 have identical tags for non taxi shuttles to point to. Examples being the nuke shuttle and mining shuttle.

  • Shame the people who didn't add the goonecode to the rewardlesstcommsat (I'm leaving it like that too)

Also I moved unused maps to unused folder, and renamed boxstation to boxstation from tgstation.

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