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Bug fixes
- Silicons can turn gas miners on and off now, fixes an unreported issue
- MoMMIs can no longer drop things inside pipes, fixes #41
- MoMMI's drop/store code cleaned up
- Machinery from flatpacks no longer spawn items where the flatpack was spawned, fixes #78
I wanted to pass type paths for the flatpack problem, but fabricators require a machine object for a lot of it's icon state stuff. Might as well pass the object and recreate it when needed seeing as it has to exist already.
Merge request reports
138 140 /*-------TODOOOOOOOOOO--------*/ 139 141 // Called by store button 140 142 /mob/living/silicon/robot/mommi/uneq_active() 79 79 = "misprinted " + 80 80 instructions.update_icon() 81 81 */ 82 machine.forceMove(src.loc) 82 new machine.type(src.loc) But really though its likely the probably is that forcemove on fabricators isn't changing their output tile. It would be better to change the forcemove() proc for that object. You shouldn't have to delete the object, and then make a new version of the SAME object.
Edited by username-removed-202360
58 58 59 59 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/miner/attack_ai(var/mob/user) 60 60 ..() 61 on=!on Added Awaiting Feedback label
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