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Custom messages for hallucinating mobs, general hallucination tweaks

username-removed-209147 requested to merge unid15/vgstation:dare into Bleeding-Edge

Don't do drugs kids

General changes

  • Added a spook() proc to atoms, reworked the Boo! spell to use it
  • Added is_blind() and is_deaf() procs for mobs
  • Added hallucinating() proc for mobs which returns 1 if the mob is hallucinating (from mindbreaker and such) or is druggy (from space drugs)
  • Added simple_message proc which takes two arguments (message, drugged_message).
    M.simple_message("Hi!") works just like M << "Hi", but will provide an alternative message if M is hallucinating
  • The visible_message proc has three more optional arguments - drugged_message, self_drugged_message, blind_drugged_message. A hallucinating player will see the alternate messages instead of their normal versions

Traditional (mindbreaker) hallucination tweaks:

  • Chances of fake shuttle and delta security level announcements are greatly reduced - they should be much rarer now
  • Chances of some messages are slightly reduced - to prevent message spam
  • Added a new rare type of hallucination - it selects a random mob in your sight (including you) and replaces its image with a random food item for a random duration.

!!The following only affects hallucinating players!!!

  • The following objects now provide alternative messages when used:
    Crematoriums, gibbers, telebatons, stun batons, soap, banana peels, welding tools, soldering irons, health analyzers and more
  • Security bots are more tsundere, medibots are angry (100% awful)
  • Passive genetic powers have a random message when activated or deactivated, meaning you don't know which one you have (doesn't affect disabilities, passive powers which give you an overlay i.e. heat resistance, and active powers i.e. hulk).
  • It's impossible to see reagents properly when examining a glass/beaker. Instead random reagents & numbers are shown
  • Opening a locker has a slight chance to show a horrifying monster instead of its usual contents!

Merge request reports