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First batch of shuttle fixes

  • Admins are notified when something goes wrong (so they at least have some idea of what went wrong)
  • Extended the description of some shuttle magic commands so that it's easier to understand how to use them correctly
  • Shuttle control consoles no longer forbid shuttles from moving to "incompactible" docking ports
  • "Send shuttle to yourself" command has been removed because it didn't work well with transit shuttles (and caused shuttles to get stuck in hyperspace)

  • Optimizes shuttle movement a bit
  • Singularity can be moved by shuttles again (this was decided by a vote)
  • Shuttles no longer move if their final location would collide with any area that isn't space/blueprints. If you want to griff, set its destroy_everything variable to 1 (there will be no easy button for this because destroying areas is not fun)
  • Shuttles no longer move if their final location would collide with nullspace
  • Cargo shuttle no longer has dynamic lighting, as written on the changelog
  • Removed transit areas from the maps
  • Fixed very weird vox shuttle runtimes which prevented the round from ending (Fixes #13 (closed))
  • The syndicate shuttle now leaves sand or snow behind it after it leaves its base, instead of space ( )
  • The syndicate shuttle now has dynamic lighting
  • Emergency shuttle doors are now properly locked when entering transit!
  • Shuttle corners now should work flawlessly (aside from )

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