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Bring back Chaplain tweaks

username-removed-209083 requested to merge (removed):Chaplain into Bleeding-Edge

999 PRs and a full repository change afterwards

Change list copied verbatum from the changelog :

  • Added a handful of new religions and "religions". Assigned dieties to all of them (can still be changed in post, but suggested by default)
  • Suiciding with a Bible, or farting on a Bible, will lead to serious consequences
  • Trying to use a Bible as a Vampire or a Cultist will quickly backfire. Trying to use it as anyone else than the Chaplain will have you simply bash people's heads in
  • Helmets, hardhats and fedoras now protect you from the Bible's effects completely (wherever they would be beneficial or adverse to you)
  • Pray verb now shows the round's deity to allow the admin to see how he should answer IC. Note that only the Chaplain will see what deity is answering by default
  • Bible healing is now 5 brute and 5 burn with 50 % chance, and bible brain damage is now 20 % chance of 5 brain damage. Mobs with 60 brain damage and over cannot be affected further by bibles
  • Holy Water has a 10 % chance of unculting per mob tick and always damages Vampires seriously per mob tick when swallowed. Consumed at 5 units per tick. Vampires react much more aversely to holy water being sprayed on them
  • Null rods hit have a 25 % chance of unculting and Bibles have 20 % chance, but both have to be handled by Chaplains unlike holy water. Due to the serious damage caused by both, randumb hitting is not recommended
  • General typos and visible_message passes

This PR was more ambitious when it started and planned to add both Chaplain status buffs when in holy areas and a follower system allowing Chaplains to "hire" disciples that would carry limited buffs, immunity to Cultist and Vampiric conversion and limited abilities with Chaplain gear, but I realized I was neither competent with Life code nor Mind datums, so I settled for that

This PR was brought back from the dead at #4600. I abandoned the Religion module to keep files where they should be (Null Rod and Holy Water flasks still got their own .dm for clarity, but they are still in the same paths were they used to be)

Also I fixed the runtime operators by typecasting correctly

Discussions go below. Since this is a rather broad PR, there might have been oversights. Please warn me if you see anything weird or controversial

Merge request reports