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Shuttle rework: Now on GitLab edition

Let's hope I didn't fuck anything up when moving to this chinese github

  • Adds shuttle datums and makes the following shuttles use them: Mining shuttle, research shuttle, emergency shuttle, taxi shuttles, vox shuttle, syndicate shuttle, salvage shuttle, vox skipjack, arrivals shuttle, centcomm ferry

The following shuttles don't use the new system:
Cargo shuttle, emergency pods, specops shuttle, admin shuttle

Landmarks (like latejoin spawn points) are moved properly

  • Adds shuttle control consoles, which can be linked to the mining shuttle, research shuttle or the salvage shuttle. For the salvage shuttle, a password is required which spawns inside its cockpit.

Admins are able to link them to any shuttle (which is using the new system, of course), or make any shuttle be able to be linked to a control console.
Moving the emergency shuttle by any means other than the natural ones (shittle call & waiting) doesn't trigger round end in any way

  • Adds docking ports which are essential for the new shuttles; they are only visible to ghosts (and they appear as semi-transparent arrows so they don't clutter up the view much)

  • Adds a lot of admin-only tools and commands to create amazing buses

Including, but not limited to: easy creation of shuttles, shuttles that can dock to another shuttle (and be moved together with it), ability to move any shuttle anywhere, etc.

  • Adds dynamic lighting and lights to all shuttles (excluding the cargo shuttle)

Other changes:

  • All shuttles except for taxi now gib mobs and destroy items (incorporated as a result of a strawpoll vote, if there are any problems this can be changed back easily)
  • Removed most of the shuttle areas which previously cluttered the map and made megaprojects VERY PAINFUL TO DO
  • Adds atom/movable/proc/shuttle_act(datum/shuttle/S) which handles collisions, and atom/movable/proc/can_shuttle_move(datum/shuttle/S) which also replaces the similarly-named mob variable

Current issues:

  • After a shuttle moves, the lighting inside it disappears for an instant.

Merge request reports