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Revamp the Scoreboard

username-removed-209083 requested to merge (removed):Score into Bleeding-Edge

Because Goofball is really nice, but half the shit on his scoreboard doesn't work, and 5000 points every round because the Botanist or Miner did their jobs is starting to get tiring

New Scoreboard items :

  • Litter : Anything pathed under item/weapon/trash (things like empty chips bags, plates, trays, etc) will count towards litter. Litter costs one per item and prevents Ultra-Clean station if on main station (Protip : Mass Driver)
  • Silicon Deaths : Counts for two and a half human deaths. You better be sure about that. Counts MoMMIs, does not count AI (they are counted separately)
  • Meals Made : Not new, but was commented out. Every time an item is created via the make_food proc (used by microwaves, notably), a point is scored. Might not count some special cooking for now, like making special dishes, deep-frying or such
  • Time : Actually spending time on the station will award you points, you get 1 point every five seconds. This adds up to a groundbreaking (not really) 720 points per hour
  • Explosions : Every time something explodes, it adds up. Does not affect the score (under Weird section)

Removed Scoreboard items :

  • Research Done : Never worked, and couldn't figure out how to make it work smartly
  • Items Shipped : Doesn't work, especially ever since Old Economy got fucked up
  • ALL GAMEMODE-RELATED ITEMS (for score, not the general "X was Y") : The way those items are coded is beyond my comprehension. I think it's just better off if I comment them out to prevent round-end lag, you don't need a fancy scoreboard to know that your station just exploded

Modified Scoreboard items :

  • Human deaths, Silicon deaths, AI deaths : Now called on respective mob/death(), ensuring deaths are always caught even if the mob is gibbed. Note that I am aware that this still counts even if the mob is revived/rebuilt/restored, but this is all the more reasons for Medical to get really good. Also now counts deaths everywhere, incidentally, as long as the dead mob had a mind, aka player (easy on the bus, admins)
  • Diseases : Attempting something else, due to all sorts of issues I couldn't make sure if it actually register viruses correctly
  • Mess : Now goes through a lot more "messes", from egg smudges and ashes to mucus and liquid fuel
  • Events Endured : Now works for random events by simply calling when an event is called. Does not work with manual events (semi-intentionally)
  • Power Alarms : Now triggers if an APC has a charge below 30 % (down from 95 %), note that APC must be on station and must have a battery (which incidentally excludes the Ghetto Bar if never repaired, bet you didn't even know that)
  • Escapees : Now uses a much less retarded proc to check for shuttle escapees and properly counts pods (it didn't at all before)
  • Mined Ore : Renamed Smelted Ore, counts ore smelted through ore redemption, but now also the smelter. One per chunk consumed
  • Hydroponics Harvests : Now counts one per unit of any plant produced

Misc :

  • Formatting and all, fun stuff
  • I did not check gamemode-specific items for all sorts of reasons. Feel free to check them if you work on the corresponding gamemode. Nuke Ops in particular gave me eye cancer
  • Scoreboard formatting modified to clearly separate score categories
  • Bad items now cost more (especially deaths, diseases and power losses), escapees award more, harvests and mining award far less (1-1 from 5-2. Trust me, you can produce a lot with even the slightest amount of work)
  • Bonus items now award a LOT more (Perfect Power is 2500, Ultra-Clean is 5000)

A good example of the new score mechanic : 30 people escaped, 15 people died, the station has a fair amount of mess (150 "units") and litter (20 "units"), three random events happened, 1 hour 30 minutes went by, no diseases, 500 hydro harvests, 200 ore smelted, the AI is online, one borg was destroyed, 50 meals were made

In order : 30 * 50 - 15 * 100 - 150 - 20 + 3 * 200 + 0.2 * 3600 + 0.2 * 600 + 0 + 500 + 200 - 250 + 50

The final score would be 1770 (Rating : "Promotions for Everyone"), pretty good round despite the high casualty rate (due to all the people who escaped)

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