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Kitchen spike refactor, some butchery features, mob sizes

Added a size var for mob/livings to replace the small var

  • It can have one of the five values: SIZE_TINY, SIZE_SMALL, SIZE_NORMAL, SIZE_BIG, SIZE_HUGE
  • Mob size affects whether it can interact with airlocks (just like the small var did before), speed of butchering (mice are butchered faster than goliaths) and chance of the body remaining intact after butchering (a goliath corpse has a 60% chance of being able to be butchered again)

Added /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meat/animal meat type, and made corgi meat and monkey meat subtypes of it

  • Using drop_meat() on a mob with meat_type set to this will create a slab of meat named after the mob ("cat meat", "goliath meat", "russian meat")

Moved meat_type and meat_amount vars from mob/living/simple_animal to mob/living

  • Also added drop_meat(location) proc for mobs, which drops a piece of meat

Kitchen spike code has been rewritten, and it now allows for any living mob to be hanged from it

  • Still only supports aliens and monkeys
  • Slightly reduced amount of meat gained by using the meat spike (monkeys give 3 meat instead of 5)

Butchering dead animals now takes time and produces gibs

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