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Tweak score values

username-removed-209083 requested to merge (removed):Score into Bleeding-Edge
  • Mess Bonus fixed to show 10000 instead of 5000 (not that anyone will ever reach it in a lifetime)
  • Bonus per Escapees doubled (100, from 50)
  • Penalty per Crew Death more than doubled (250, from 100)
  • Penalty per Destroyed Cyborg doubled (500, from 250)

This should make human life in general matter more. Having people escape via shuttle or pods is good. Having people die in general is bad

I should get working on more penalties later, air alarms is one I'm considering, because right now if Hydroponics and Mining do any remotely good job, a genocide can lead to a + 5000 score, and I don't want to cut harvest and mining scores in the decimals

Merge request reports