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[Experimental Guns] No.9: Gravity Well Gun

  • Experimental gun 9, the Gravity Well Gun (GWG). Fires a single projectile that slowly moves through any obstacles to reach the clicked location. The projectile moves twice more slowly than regular bullets, comparable to the running speed of an healthy human. Once it has reached destination, the projectile creates a slowly expanding gravity well. Its starting diameter is 5 tiles. Its final diameter is 11 tiles. The tidal forces get stronger the closer you get to the center. On top of the brute damage inflicted by tidal forces, the center of the gravity well emits radiations, so don't get close to it or you might get stunned until the gravity well disappears. A human inside the gravity well for its entire duration is almost certain to die, or be very deep into crit. Once the Gravity Well times out (after roughly 40 seconds) it emits a powerful EMP. If a Singularity Generator is at the center of the Gravity Well when it disappears, it will create a singularity. The gravity well gun slowly recharges by itself, and can only fire when at max charge. It takes about 2 minutes after firing to fully recharge.
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