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846 list agents on second page

username-removed-183524 requested to merge 846-list-agents-on-second-page into master

For the time being we keep only first fix. Now if you have more than 20 groups of agents, one can edit a group on second page with less than 20 agents.

This fix highlights the fact that this agents.php does not handle correctly the page parameter. navigating between list (which lists agents groups) and listagent which list the agents of a group, does not, sometimes, correctly reset the page to display registered in the session.

For example :

  1. Given I have a group with 25 agent displayed on page of of the Agents page
  2. If I edit this group, navigate to page 2
  3. If I click again on Agents link (in the menu), it will display page 2 of group.

Closes #846

Merge request reports