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138 fix agent status on pause

username-removed-730944 requested to merge 138-fix-agent-status-on-pause into master

Closes #138

Final solution has two parts:

  • fc59acd9068 clear user status when leaving pause (same code as already discussed 30673d305)
  • b34215e2fd do not store userStatus when Agent state changes via status available or disconnected

First part is not enough - in first scenario described in bug:

  1. xuc first receive AgentUserStatus(agentId=NNN,userStatus="available")
  2. then xuc receiveAgentOnPause which does not contain userStatus (and therefore old user status is used, in this case "available")

What do you think about this proposal? I tested it some (incl. both described scenarions), didn't find a problem. But probab;y there are still edge cases (f.x. when using predefined "berightback" state) which this does not solve. But I hope this will solve most of problems in real usage.

Merge request reports