Projects with this topic
A hacked version of the firmware for freematics. It uses gps + mems + obd2 to get data about the trip and uses udp to upload it to the server. It has a few changes versus the standard freematics:
doesn't log in doesn't care about the feed idUpdated -
Use a Digispark (ATTiny85 dev board with micronucleus bootloader) to connect a Super Nintendo (SNES) controller to a computer via USB.
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some tests to use the BMP280 pressure sensor with an arduino and a i2c display. I add some pressure changes as weather forcast :-D it is still a test
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Arduino based crank/cam wheel signal generator
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Service that is the mediator between arduino and other system's parts
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Arducky - Arduino Ducky Script Interpreter
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Bibliothèque d'affichage pour afficheur led 7segments, 4 chiffres : LTC-4627JS
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CAN to Serial (USB) converter for viewing CAN messages on a computer
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Salvatio: Controle de emergências
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Arduino driven stepper XY table
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Calculadora básica desarrollada en una GUI de python para la comunicación serial con un Arduino y la representación del resultado en binario.
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A diagnostic tool for the STM32 timer structure (stm32duino)
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An autonomous mobile robot. The project enables our platform to perform SLAM (using Monte Carlo filter and AMCL) and trajectory rollout, costmaps were used with inflated. Arduino software enables drivers, odometry, kinematics and wheel control.
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Relay-Steuerung per ESP8266-Modul über WLan
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An audio looper written in puredata, with some code to control it from an Arduino board.