Projects with this topic
Software to use the Phantom Omni, a.k.a. Geomagic Touch, device.
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Docker-Project: This project is used to generate a docker image containing a basic ROS setup to develop on any host PC you want. For hardware accelleration the nvidia-docker package is used.
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An autonomous mobile robot. The project enables our platform to perform SLAM (using Monte Carlo filter and AMCL) and trajectory rollout, costmaps were used with inflated. Arduino software enables drivers, odometry, kinematics and wheel control.
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ROS (robot operating system) node for controlling PWM boards based on the PCA9685 chip with an I2C interface. Primary use is for controlling RC Servos and DC motors via PWM.
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A project for manipulating objects with the Kinova Mico arm using gaze control only. This project is used mainly as an interesting demonstration.
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ROS packages containing firmware and ROS-nodes to set up a ROS<->CAN-Interface.
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Docker-Project: This project is used to generate a docker image containing ROS and a full MoveIt! installation. This project is depending on the ros-nvidia-base project. For hardware accelleration the nvidia-docker package is used.
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A ROS package to collect and fuse multiple point clouds of a human face. Then, the resulting point cloud will be used to morph a mesh of a human face with an eventually projected texture.
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Code to prepare video3d course - play point cloud from two kinects which can be viewed with rviz