Projects with this topic
Convert rich text files in html code or WordPress articles, keeping extracts that was copy from XCode and paste with the corresponding style (classes, variables, keywords, comments, ...)
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A small javascript library that prepares HTML codes to be embed in other programming languages (the main target was C).
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This repo serves as a 'seed seed'. Experimenting with frameworks and libraries has alwas put me in the need of some basic scaffolding, so I could just inject the stuff I was toying around with and launch it, test it, click it hard. Here it is..
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use gitlab crate.
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Functional HTML Templating in PHP
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AMX Form Builder: Create HTML forms by drag-n-drop with PHP Backend to save submitted data in a CSV file (Can be opened in MS Excel).
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Website toko buku dan kasir sederhana berbasis PHP Native dan Database MySQL
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Free and opensource documentation sharing website, based on java spark framework.
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CMSJs: admin + website + api integrated in one place...
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My final project in HTML- Authoring course
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Demuestra la invocación de código de una máquina a otra via Internet através de la Web API de Spotify; el API está construida de acuerdo a los principios REST.
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Homepage for Scout group "Pfadi Abteilung H2O".
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XSLT transforming < pdftohtml -xml … > XML files to POSH HTML files
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VOPM-Blog es una aplicación web basada en AngularJS que utiliza un “local json-server restfull api” para la administración de publicaciones, comentarios, usuarios, etc.
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My FreeCodeCamp tribute page front-end challenge.
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Our 1st commercial website