Projects with this topic
A simple pagination plugin for html tables.
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A simple JavaScript/jQuery Reference application to monitor solutions using the Scribe Online Web API
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Voici un florilège des réalisations que j'ai été amené à faire dans le cadre de mon auto-formation sur
Here are some renderings and scripts that I made in the context of my autotraining on
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premier exercice du cours sur jquery d'openclassrooms
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Design my portfolio using html5, css3, javascript, bootstrap and jquery. | Diseño de mi portafolio usando html5, css3, javascript, bootstrap y jquery.
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Fast-loading WP theme for building sites from scratch. More info: Fast loading, fully optimised WordPress theme; Automatic image compression; SCSS to CSS conversion; CSS combine & minimize; Minimize JS files
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Aplikasi sederhana untuk meliat keadaan laju realisasi, Kendali Anggaran di BKPSDM Kabupaten Tanah Laut
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use gitlab crate.
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Personal portfolio, visit
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Repositório do site da RAR Treinamentos.
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Simple Sinatra framework with back-end and front-end utilities.
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Our 1st commercial website
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Collaborative Sheet Music editor
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Semantic Web Application deployed in the Google Cloud Computing Architecture
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PHP, MySQL, JQuery, JQuery UI, Thomas More, Project