Projects with this topic
It is a C#.NET camera software that can be used to control your IP surveillance system as it provides such useful camera features as device discovery, video recording, PTZ motion control, motion detection, onvif video server, streaming websites, etc.
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SCGI server implementation for .NET (written in C#)
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a group of people who are gathered closely together; a quick private conference
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Tutorials & Snippets Repository
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IM client and server.
Messages are very poorly encrypted.
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These files shall be hosted on the server machine. The main purposes are: to exchange data with an application running on the same machine using pipes and files and to send commands to the application itself
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A minecraft server abstract plugin API.
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Como DistFS, pero escrito en C. Proyecto de Sistemas Operativos 1. No está listo.
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Sistema de archivos distribuido, con un protocolo propio bastante simple. Se incluyen tanto un servidor como un cliente. Escrito en Erlang. Proyecto de Sistemas Operativos 1.
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Progetto di reti 2015. Gruppo: Balzani Silvia, Benini Francesco, Cecja Andia e Parra Stefano. Un'implementazione di server e client che utilizzano il protocollo ftp in Java.
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Like JTCPServer, but to UDP.
JUDPServer is an easy-to-use package in Java to create easily a UDP server.
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A node server that serves as a middleware for casting videos and other media to chromecast, and controlling the playthrough
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Simple and modular nginx configuration set.
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Simple HTTP Server Deployment in Python.
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minimal communication platform, think of it as Yo on steroids
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Sky Support Community Version Control on our Server. See and the README for more information
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A SSH service to manage sessions and allow send messages betwen clients. It's using latest Python modules asyncio and asyncssh
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Docker container for mumble-server (murmur).