Projects with this topic
Simple template to start an express app
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A starting point for vapor web applications.
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Templates for Fastyle CSS tool.
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Node Template Selector module for Drupal 8 (adaptation of Template Picker)
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Metronic #3 Html Template converted to Laravel Blade Template
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Core Plus Html Template converted to Laravel Blade Template
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This is template for MVP in Ruangguru Student app made with Freemarker ( based on this project:
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The vutinfth document class is a LaTeX2e-based template for all theses written at the Faculty of Informatics at the TU Wien. DOWNLOAD with the button on the right. READ the README.txt to start.
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Plugin template and starter boilerplate
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Website toko buku dan kasir sederhana berbasis PHP Native dan Database MySQL
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This application builds projects for coding dojos. I experienced at some coding dojos that it took a while for people to setup a simple environment so they could rapidly start coding. So this shall help.
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Just a simple Ionic starting template with Firebase set up and sidemenu.
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Official LateX templates for Computer Science papers, theses and courseworks
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Initial template for creating a new gitbook
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Just a crisp, modern landing page template ideal for businesses and corporations.
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Repository listing to all Jekyll templates, plugins and services
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Шаблон для создания документов latex по ГОСТ: отчетов о НИР, курсовыx, рефератов, дипломов и др.