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Rename id to package name

As suggested in issue #37 (closed), "id" is not the correct terminology to use in the code base. Instead, it should use "package name". I'm doing this now before I begin work on #511 (closed), where it is helpful to recoup the "id" name, as "rowid" in sqlite refers to a row's integer primary key.

This changes the following Java symbols:

  • -> Apk.packageName
  • -> App.packageName
  • ApkProvider.DataColumns.ID -> ApkProvider.DataColumns.PACKAGE_NAME
  • AppProvider.DataColumns.ID -> AppProvider.DataColumns.PACKAGE_NAME
  • A small number of comments referring to id.

It does not change (and likely will not benefit from changing):

  • Any database columns, these are all still id.
  • Anything pertaining to the index, which still uses id.

It does not change (but future MR's will change):

  • Local variables referring to id
  • Method names referring to id

By not changing any string literals, only changing the name of variables and constants, and ensuring that the original variables/constants are no longer present, then in theory if this compiles is should be good to merge.

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