Todos sorting dropdown
Implements #18135 (closed)
CHANGELOG entry added - Tests
Added for this feature/bug -
All builds are passing
Conform by the style guides -
Branch has no merge conflicts with master
(if you do - rebase it please) -
Squashed related commits together
Merge request reports
Marked the task CHANGELOG entry added as completed
We don't need documentation for this right? It is intuitive as issues and merge requests sorting.
Edited by Felipe ArturAdded 1 commit:
- f0125065 - Todos sorting dropdown
Added 1 commit:
- ea341c15 - Todos sorting dropdown
Marked the task Squashed related commits together as completed
Reassigned to @rymai
@rymai Can you review this one please?
ThanksReassigned to @dbalexandre
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
Reassigned to @felipe_artur
Added 781 commits:
ea341c15...b2828d41 - 780 commits from branch
- 70bb88bb - Todos sorting dropdown
ea341c15...b2828d41 - 780 commits from branch
Added 1 commit:
- b6cab492 - Todos sorting dropdown
Added 1 commit:
- 4a51bb71 - Todos sorting dropdown
Added 1 commit:
- 64cc0199 - Todos sorting dropdown
Added 1 commit:
- aa1343ac - Todos sorting dropdown
Added 1 commit:
- b7ac71b8 - Todos sorting dropdown
Added 114 commits:
b7ac71b8...5a4ecb98 - 113 commits from branch
- efbda40d - Todos sorting dropdown
b7ac71b8...5a4ecb98 - 113 commits from branch
Added 12 commits:
efbda40d...7f853e22 - 11 commits from branch
- fff42c51 - Todos sorting dropdown
efbda40d...7f853e22 - 11 commits from branch
Added 72 commits:
fff42c51...415159c2 - 71 commits from branch
- 903c8c5c - Todos sorting dropdown
fff42c51...415159c2 - 71 commits from branch
Reassigned to @rymai
@rymai Can you review please?
Milestone changed to %8.11
Marked the task Conform by the style guides as completed
Reassigned to @DouweM
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
Reassigned to @felipe_artur
Reassigned to @rspeicher
Reassigned to @DouweM
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
Reassigned to @rspeicher
Reassigned to @felipe_artur
Added 1 commit:
- bcd41e30 - Todos sorting dropdown
41 43 42 44 after_save :keep_around_commit 43 45 46 class << self 47 def sort(method) 48 method == "priority" ? order_by_labels_priority : order_by(method) 49 end 50 51 # Order by priority depending on which issue/merge request the Todo belongs to 52 # Todos with highest priority first then oldest todos 53 def order_by_labels_priority 54 select('todos.*').from('todos'). 55 joins('LEFT JOIN label_links ON (todos.target_id = label_links.target_id AND label_links.target_type = todos.target_type)'). 56 joins('LEFT JOIN labels ON label_links.label_id ='). 57 order(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('labels.priority', 'ASC')). @felipe_artur All right, if we can't cleanly share code, can we at least add a comment to say that this should stay functionally in sync with
Also, are we definitely currently ordering by highest priority?
has a separatehighest_label_priority
Added 1 commit:
- 4758b90c - Todos sorting dropdown
Reassigned to @DouweM
Added 1 commit:
- c2f1b077 - Todos sorting dropdown
- Resolved by Felipe Artur
- Resolved by Felipe Artur
Reassigned to @felipe_artur
Reassigned to @DouweM
Added 1 commit:
- 37bf35f0 - Todos sorting dropdown
Added 1 commit:
- 37bf35f0 - Todos sorting dropdown
mentioned in commit c620c405
mentioned in commit be294efd