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_edit_form.html.haml 749 B
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  • .note-edit-form
    Phil Hughes's avatar
    Phil Hughes committed
      = form_for note, url: namespace_project_note_path(@project.namespace, @project, note), method: :put, remote: true, authenticity_token: true, html: { class: 'edit-note common-note-form js-quick-submit' } do |f|
        = render layout: 'projects/md_preview', locals: { preview_class: 'md-preview' } do
          = render 'projects/zen', f: f, attr: :note, classes: 'note-textarea js-note-text js-task-list-field', placeholder: "Write a comment or drag your files here..."
          = render 'projects/notes/hints'
          = f.submit 'Save Comment', class: 'btn btn-nr btn-save js-comment-button'
    Phil Hughes's avatar
    Phil Hughes committed
          %button.btn.btn-nr.btn-cancel.note-edit-cancel{ type: 'button' }