module Gitlab
# Issues API
class Issues < Grape::API
before { authenticate! }
resource :issues do
# Get currently authenticated user's issues
# Example Request:
# GET /issues
get do
present paginate(current_user.issues), with: Entities::Issue
resource :projects do
# Get a list of project issues
# Parameters:
# Example Request:
# GET /projects/:id/issues
get ":id/issues" do
present paginate(user_project.issues), with: Entities::Issue
# Get a single project issue
# Parameters:
# issue_id (required) - The ID of a project issue
# Example Request:
# GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id
get ":id/issues/:issue_id" do
@issue = user_project.issues.find(params[:issue_id])
present @issue, with: Entities::Issue
# Create a new project issue
# Parameters:
# title (required) - The title of an issue
# description (optional) - The description of an issue
# assignee_id (optional) - The ID of a user to assign issue
# milestone_id (optional) - The ID of a milestone to assign issue
# labels (optional) - The labels of an issue
# Example Request:
# POST /projects/:id/issues
post ":id/issues" do
attrs = attributes_for_keys [:title, :description, :assignee_id, :milestone_id]
attrs[:label_list] = params[:labels] if params[:labels].present?
@issue = attrs
present @issue, with: Entities::Issue
# Update an existing issue
# Parameters:
# issue_id (required) - The ID of a project issue
# title (optional) - The title of an issue
# description (optional) - The description of an issue
# assignee_id (optional) - The ID of a user to assign issue
# milestone_id (optional) - The ID of a milestone to assign issue
# labels (optional) - The labels of an issue
# closed (optional) - The state of an issue (0 = false, 1 = true)
# Example Request:
# PUT /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id
put ":id/issues/:issue_id" do
@issue = user_project.issues.find(params[:issue_id])
attrs = attributes_for_keys [:title, :description, :assignee_id, :milestone_id, :closed]
attrs[:label_list] = params[:labels] if params[:labels].present?
if @issue.update_attributes attrs
present @issue, with: Entities::Issue
# Delete a project issue (deprecated)
# issue_id (required) - The ID of a project issue
# Example Request:
# DELETE /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id
delete ":id/issues/:issue_id" do