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  • class Spinach::Features::ProjectIssues < Spinach::FeatureSteps
    Nihad Abbasov's avatar
    Nihad Abbasov committed
      include SharedAuthentication
      include SharedIssuable
    Nihad Abbasov's avatar
    Nihad Abbasov committed
      include SharedProject
      include SharedNote
      include SharedPaths
      include SharedMarkdown
      step 'I should see "Release 0.4" in issues' do
        expect(page).to have_content "Release 0.4"
      step 'I should not see "Release 0.3" in issues' do
        expect(page).not_to have_content "Release 0.3"
      step 'I should not see "Tweet control" in issues' do
        expect(page).not_to have_content "Tweet control"
    Valery Sizov's avatar
    Valery Sizov committed
      step 'I should see that I am subscribed' do
        expect(find(".subscribe-button span").text).to eq "Unsubscribe"
    Valery Sizov's avatar
    Valery Sizov committed
      step 'I should see that I am unsubscribed' do
        sleep 0.2
        expect(find(".subscribe-button span").text).to eq "Subscribe"
    Valery Sizov's avatar
    Valery Sizov committed
      step 'I click link "Closed"' do
    Valery Sizov's avatar
    Valery Sizov committed
      step 'I click button "Unsubscribe"' do
        click_on "Unsubscribe"
      step 'I should see "Release 0.3" in issues' do
        expect(page).to have_content "Release 0.3"
      step 'I should not see "Release 0.4" in issues' do
        expect(page).not_to have_content "Release 0.4"
      step 'I click link "All"' do
      step 'I click link "Release 0.4"' do
      step 'I should see issue "Release 0.4"' do
        expect(page).to have_content "Release 0.4"
      step 'I click link "New Issue"' do
      step 'I click "author" dropdown' do
      step 'I see current user as the first user' do
        expect(page).to have_selector('.user-result', visible: true, count: 4)
        users = page.all('.user-name')
        expect(users[0].text).to eq 'Any'
        expect(users[1].text).to eq 'Unassigned'
        expect(users[2].text).to eq
      step 'I submit new issue "500 error on profile"' do
        fill_in "issue_title", with: "500 error on profile"
        click_button "Submit new issue"
      step 'I submit new issue "500 error on profile" with label \'bug\'' do
        fill_in "issue_title", with: "500 error on profile"
        select 'bug', from: "Labels"
        click_button "Submit new issue"
      step 'I click link "500 error on profile"' do
        click_link "500 error on profile"
      step 'I should see label \'bug\' with issue' do
        page.within '.issue-show-labels' do
          expect(page).to have_content 'bug'
      step 'I should see issue "500 error on profile"' do
    skv's avatar
    skv committed
        issue = Issue.find_by(title: "500 error on profile")
        expect(page).to have_content issue.title
        expect(page).to have_content issue.author_name
        expect(page).to have_content
      step 'I fill in issue search with "Re"' do
        filter_issue "Re"
      step 'I fill in issue search with "Bu"' do
        filter_issue "Bu"
      step 'I fill in issue search with ".3"' do
        filter_issue ".3"
      step 'I fill in issue search with "Something"' do
        filter_issue "Something"
      step 'I fill in issue search with ""' do
      step 'project "Shop" has milestone "v2.2"' do
        milestone = create(:milestone, title: "v2.2", project: project)
        3.times { create(:issue, project: project, milestone: milestone) }
      step 'project "Shop" has milestone "v3.0"' do
        milestone = create(:milestone, title: "v3.0", project: project)
        3.times { create(:issue, project: project, milestone: milestone) }
      When 'I select milestone "v3.0"' do
        select "v3.0", from: "milestone_id"
      step 'I should see selected milestone with title "v3.0"' do
        issues_milestone_selector = "#issue_milestone_id_chzn > a"
        expect(find(issues_milestone_selector)).to have_content("v3.0")
      When 'I select first assignee from "Shop" project' do
        first_assignee = project.users.first
        select, from: "assignee_id"
      step 'I should see first assignee from "Shop" as selected assignee' do
        issues_assignee_selector = "#issue_assignee_id_chzn > a"
        assignee_name =
        expect(find(issues_assignee_selector)).to have_content(assignee_name)
      step 'project "Shop" have "Release 0.4" open issue' do
               title: "Release 0.4",
               project: project,
               author: project.users.first,
               description: "# Description header"
      step 'project "Shop" have "Tweet control" open issue' do
               project: project,
               author: project.users.first)
      step 'project "Shop" have "Release 0.3" closed issue' do
    Andrew8xx8's avatar
    Andrew8xx8 committed
               title: "Release 0.3",
               project: project,
               author: project.users.first)
      step 'empty project "Empty Project"' do
        create :empty_project, name: 'Empty Project', namespace: @user.namespace
      When 'I visit empty project page' do
        project = Project.find_by(name: 'Empty Project')
    Vinnie Okada's avatar
    Vinnie Okada committed
        visit namespace_project_path(project.namespace, project)
      step 'I see empty project details with ssh clone info' do
        project = Project.find_by(name: 'Empty Project')
        page.all(:css, '.git-empty .clone').each do |element|
          expect(element.text).to include(project.url_to_repo)
      When "I visit empty project's issues page" do
        project = Project.find_by(name: 'Empty Project')
    Vinnie Okada's avatar
    Vinnie Okada committed
        visit namespace_project_issues_path(project.namespace, project)
    Marin Jankovski's avatar
    Marin Jankovski committed
      step 'I leave a comment with code block' do
        page.within(".js-main-target-form") do
    Marin Jankovski's avatar
    Marin Jankovski committed
          fill_in "note[note]", with: "```\nCommand [1]: /usr/local/bin/git , see [text](doc/text)\n```"
          click_button "Add Comment"
          sleep 0.05
      step 'I should see an error alert section within the comment form' do
        page.within(".js-main-target-form") do
    Marin Jankovski's avatar
    Marin Jankovski committed
      step 'The code block should be unchanged' do
        expect(page).to have_content("```\nCommand [1]: /usr/local/bin/git , see [text](doc/text)\n```")
    Marin Jankovski's avatar
    Marin Jankovski committed
      step 'project \'Shop\' has issue \'Bugfix1\' with description: \'Description for issue1\'' do
        issue = create(:issue, title: 'Bugfix1', description: 'Description for issue1', project: project)
      step 'project \'Shop\' has issue \'Feature1\' with description: \'Feature submitted for issue1\'' do
        issue = create(:issue, title: 'Feature1', description: 'Feature submitted for issue1', project: project)
      step 'I fill in issue search with \'Description for issue1\'' do
        filter_issue 'Description for issue'
      step 'I fill in issue search with \'issue1\'' do
        filter_issue 'issue1'
      step 'I fill in issue search with \'Rock and roll\'' do
        filter_issue 'Description for issue'
      step 'I should see \'Bugfix1\' in issues' do
        expect(page).to have_content 'Bugfix1'
      step 'I should see \'Feature1\' in issues' do
        expect(page).to have_content 'Feature1'
      step 'I should not see \'Bugfix1\' in issues' do
        expect(page).not_to have_content 'Bugfix1'
      step 'issue \'Release 0.4\' has label \'bug\'' do
        label = project.labels.create!(name: 'bug', color: '#990000')
        issue = Issue.find_by!(title: 'Release 0.4')
        issue.labels << label
      step 'I click label \'bug\'' do
        page.within ".issues-list" do
          click_link 'bug'
      step 'I should not see labels field' do
        page.within '.issue-form' do
          expect(page).not_to have_content("Labels")
      step 'I should not see milestone field' do
        page.within '.issue-form' do
          expect(page).not_to have_content("Milestone")
      step 'I should not see assignee field' do
        page.within '.issue-form' do
          expect(page).not_to have_content("Assign to")
      def filter_issue(text)
        fill_in 'issue_search', with: text