Achilleas Pipinellis authored
Added performance guidelines for new MRs ## What does this MR do? This MR adds a set of guides that should be followed by merge request authors. ## Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check? Spelling, grammar, etc ## Why was this MR needed? There is no set of guidelines one should follow when submitting merge requests. This leads to developers at times disregarding performance. This in turn results in performance specialists having to clean up the mess, or production engineers being woken up in the middle of the night because the database is on fire. ## Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria? - [x] [Documentation created/updated](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/development/doc_styleguide.md) - Tests - [x] All builds are passing - [x] Conform by the [style guides](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#style-guides) - [x] Branch has no merge conflicts with `master` (if you do - rebase it please) - [x] [Squashed related commits together](https://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History#Squashing-Commits) cc @DouweM @rspeicher @pcarranza @dzaporozhets See merge request !5905
Achilleas Pipinellis authoredAdded performance guidelines for new MRs ## What does this MR do? This MR adds a set of guides that should be followed by merge request authors. ## Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check? Spelling, grammar, etc ## Why was this MR needed? There is no set of guidelines one should follow when submitting merge requests. This leads to developers at times disregarding performance. This in turn results in performance specialists having to clean up the mess, or production engineers being woken up in the middle of the night because the database is on fire. ## Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria? - [x] [Documentation created/updated](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/development/doc_styleguide.md) - Tests - [x] All builds are passing - [x] Conform by the [style guides](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#style-guides) - [x] Branch has no merge conflicts with `master` (if you do - rebase it please) - [x] [Squashed related commits together](https://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History#Squashing-Commits) cc @DouweM @rspeicher @pcarranza @dzaporozhets See merge request !5905
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Contribute to GitLab
Contribute to GitLab
Thank you for your interest in contributing to GitLab. This guide details how to contribute to GitLab in a way that is efficient for everyone.
GitLab comes into two flavors, GitLab Community Edition (CE) our free and open source edition, and GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE) which is our commercial edition. Throughout this guide you will see references to CE and EE for abbreviation.
If you have read this guide and want to know how the GitLab core team operates please see the GitLab contributing process.
Contributor license agreement
By submitting code as an individual you agree to the individual contributor license agreement. By submitting code as an entity you agree to the corporate contributor license agreement.
Security vulnerability disclosure
Please report suspected security vulnerabilities in private to
, also see the
disclosure section on the GitLab.com website.
Please do NOT create publicly viewable issues for suspected security
Closing policy for issues and merge requests
GitLab is a popular open source project and the capacity to deal with issues and merge requests is limited. Out of respect for our volunteers, issues and merge requests not in line with the guidelines listed in this document may be closed without notice.
Please treat our volunteers with courtesy and respect, it will go a long way towards getting your issue resolved.
Issues and merge requests should be in English and contain appropriate language for audiences of all ages.
Helping others
Please help other GitLab users when you can. The channels people will reach out on can be found on the getting help page.
Sign up for the mailing list, answer GitLab questions on StackOverflow or respond in the IRC channel. You can also sign up on CodeTriage to help with the remaining issues on the GitHub issue tracker.
I want to contribute!
If you want to contribute to GitLab, but are not sure where to start,
look for issues with the label up-for-grabs
. These issues
will be of reasonable size and challenge, for anyone to start contributing to
This was inspired by an article by Kent C. Dodds.
Implement design & UI elements
Design reference
The GitLab design reference can be found in the gitlab-design project.
The designs are made using Antetype (.atype
files). You can use the
free Antetype viewer (Mac OSX only) or grab an exported PNG from the design
(the PNG is 1:1).
The current designs can be found in the gitlab8.atype
UI development kit
Implemented UI elements can also be found at https://gitlab.com/help/ui. Please note that this page isn't comprehensive at this time.
Issue tracker
To get support for your particular problem please use the getting help channels.
The GitLab CE issue tracker on GitLab.com is for bugs concerning the latest GitLab release and feature proposals.
When submitting an issue please conform to the issue submission guidelines listed below. Not all issues will be addressed and your issue is more likely to be addressed if you submit a merge request which partially or fully solves the issue.
If you're unsure where to post, post to the mailing list or Stack Overflow first. There are a lot of helpful GitLab users there who may be able to help you quickly. If your particular issue turns out to be a bug, it will find its way from there.
If it happens that you know the solution to an existing bug, please first open the issue in order to keep track of it and then open the relevant merge request that potentially fixes it.
Feature proposals
To create a feature proposal for CE, open an issue on the issue tracker of CE.
For feature proposals for EE, open an issue on the issue tracker of EE.
In order to help track the feature proposals, we have created a
feature proposal
label. For the time being, users that are not members
of the project cannot add labels. You can instead ask one of the core team
members to add the label feature proposal
to the issue or add the following
code snippet right after your description in a new line: ~"feature proposal"
Please keep feature proposals as small and simple as possible, complex ones might be edited to make them small and simple.
Please submit Feature Proposals using the 'Feature Proposal' issue template provided on the issue tracker.
For changes in the interface, it can be helpful to create a mockup first. If you want to create something yourself, consider opening an issue first to discuss whether it is interesting to include this in GitLab.
Issue tracker guidelines
Search the issue tracker for similar entries before submitting your own, there's a good chance somebody else had the same issue or feature proposal. Show your support with an award emoji and/or join the discussion.
Please submit bugs using the 'Bug' issue template provided on the issue tracker. The text in the parenthesis is there to help you with what to include. Omit it when submitting the actual issue. You can copy-paste it and then edit as you see fit.
Issue weight
Issue weight allows us to get an idea of the amount of work required to solve one or multiple issues. This makes it possible to schedule work more accurately.
You are encouraged to set the weight of any issue. Following the guidelines below will make it easy to manage this, without unnecessary overhead.
- Set weight for any issue at the earliest possible convenience
- If you don't agree with a set weight, discuss with other developers until consensus is reached about the weight
- Issue weights are an abstract measurement of complexity of the issue. Do not relate issue weight directly to time. This is called anchoring and something you want to avoid.
- Something that has a weight of 1 (or no weight) is really small and simple. Something that is 9 is rewriting a large fundamental part of GitLab, which might lead to many hard problems to solve. Changing some text in GitLab is probably 1, adding a new Git Hook maybe 4 or 5, big features 7-9.
- If something is very large, it should probably be split up in multiple issues or chunks. You can simply not set the weight of a parent issue and set weights to children issues.
Regression issues
Every monthly release has a corresponding issue on the CE issue tracker to keep track of functionality broken by that release and any fixes that need to be included in a patch release (see 8.3 Regressions as an example).
As outlined in the issue description, the intended workflow is to post one note with a reference to an issue describing the regression, and then to update that note with a reference to the merge request that fixes it as it becomes available.
If you're a contributor who doesn't have the required permissions to update other users' notes, please post a new note with a reference to both the issue and the merge request.
The release manager will update the notes in the regression issue as fixes are addressed.
Technical debt
In order to track things that can be improved in GitLab's codebase, we created the ~"technical debt" label in GitLab's issue tracker.
This label should be added to issues that describe things that can be improved, shortcuts that have been taken, code that needs refactoring, features that need additional attention, and all other things that have been left behind due to high velocity of development.
Everyone can create an issue, though you may need to ask for adding a specific
label, if you do not have permissions to do it by yourself. Additional labels
can be combined with the technical debt
label, to make it easier to schedule
the improvements for a release.
Issues tagged with the technical debt
label have the same priority like issues
that describe a new feature to be introduced in GitLab, and should be scheduled
for a release by the appropriate person.
Make sure to mention the merge request that the technical debt
issue is
associated with in the description of the issue.
Merge requests
We welcome merge requests with fixes and improvements to GitLab code, tests,
and/or documentation. The features we would really like a merge request for are
listed with the label Accepting Merge Requests
on our issue tracker for CE
and EE but other improvements are also welcome.