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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit 197f9abe authored by Sato Hiroyuki's avatar Sato Hiroyuki
Browse files

Covert to coffee.

parent b8f070f0
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!function(){ class BranchGraph
constructor: (@element, @options) ->
@preparedCommits = {}
@mtime = 0
@mspace = 0
@parents = {}
@colors = ["#000"]
var BranchGraph = function(element, options){ load: ->
this.element = element; $.ajax
this.options = options; url: @options.url
method: "get"
this.preparedCommits = {}; dataType: "json"
this.mtime = 0; success: $.proxy((data) ->
this.mspace = 0; $(".loading", @element).hide()
this.parents = {}; @prepareData data.days, data.commits
this.colors = ["#000"]; @buildGraph()
, this)
BranchGraph.prototype.load = function(){
url: this.options.url,
method: 'get',
dataType: 'json',
success: $.proxy(function(data){
$('.loading', this.element).hide();
this.prepareData(data.days, data.commits);
}, this)
BranchGraph.prototype.prepareData = function(days, commits){
this.days = days;
this.dayCount = days.length;
this.commits = commits;
this.commitCount = commits.length;
this.mtime += 4;
this.mspace += 10;
for (var i = 0; i < this.commitCount; i++) {
if (this.commits[i].id in this.parents) {
this.commits[i].isParent = true;
this.preparedCommits[this.commits[i].id] = this.commits[i];
BranchGraph.prototype.collectParents = function(){
for (var i = 0; i < this.commitCount; i++) {
for (var j = 0, jj = this.commits[i].parents.length; j < jj; j++) {
this.parents[this.commits[i].parents[j][0]] = true;
this.mtime = Math.max(this.mtime, this.commits[i].time);
this.mspace = Math.max(this.mspace, this.commits[i].space);
BranchGraph.prototype.collectColors = function(){
for (var k = 0; k < this.mspace; k++) {
// Skipping a few colors in the spectrum to get more contrast between colors
BranchGraph.prototype.buildGraph = function(){ prepareData: (@days, @commits) ->
var graphWidth = $(this.element).width() @collectParents()
, ch = this.mspace * 20 + 100 @mtime += 4
, cw = Math.max(graphWidth, this.mtime * 20 + 260) @mspace += 10
, r = Raphael(this.element.get(0), cw, ch)
, top = r.set() for c in @commits
, cuday = 0 c.isParent = true if of @parents
, cumonth = "" @preparedCommits[] = c
, offsetX = 20
, offsetY = 60 @collectColors()
, barWidth = Math.max(graphWidth, this.dayCount * 20 + 320)
, scrollLeft = cw; collectParents: ->
for c in @commits
this.raphael = r; @mtime = Math.max(@mtime, c.time)
@mspace = Math.max(@mspace,
r.rect(0, 0, barWidth, 20).attr({fill: "#222"}); for p in c.parents
r.rect(0, 20, barWidth, 20).attr({fill: "#444"}); @parents[p[0]] = true
for (mm = 0; mm < this.dayCount; mm++) { collectColors: ->
if(this.days[mm] != null){ k = 0
if(cuday != this.days[mm][0]){ while k < @mspace
// Dates @colors.push Raphael.getColor(.8)
r.text(offsetX + mm * 20, 31, this.days[mm][0]).attr({ # Skipping a few colors in the spectrum to get more contrast between colors
font: "12px Monaco, monospace", Raphael.getColor()
buildGraph: ->
graphWidth = $(@element).width()
ch = @mspace * 20 + 100
cw = Math.max(graphWidth, @mtime * 20 + 260)
r = Raphael(@element.get(0), cw, ch)
top = r.set()
cuday = 0
cumonth = ""
offsetX = 20
offsetY = 60
barWidth = Math.max(graphWidth, @days.length * 20 + 320)
scrollLeft = cw
@raphael = r
r.rect(0, 0, barWidth, 20).attr fill: "#222"
r.rect(0, 20, barWidth, 20).attr fill: "#444"
for day, mm in @days
if cuday isnt day[0]
# Dates
r.text(offsetX + mm * 20, 31, day[0])
font: "12px Monaco, monospace"
fill: "#DDD" fill: "#DDD"
}); )
cuday = this.days[mm][0]; cuday = day[0]
if(cumonth != this.days[mm][1]){ if cumonth isnt day[1]
// Months # Months
r.text(offsetX + mm * 20, 11, this.days[mm][1]).attr({ r.text(offsetX + mm * 20, 11, day[1])
font: "12px Monaco, monospace", .attr(
font: "12px Monaco, monospace"
fill: "#EEE" fill: "#EEE"
}); )
cumonth = this.days[mm][1]; cumonth = day[1]
} for commit in @commits
} x = offsetX + 20 * commit.time
y = offsetY + 10 *
for (i = 0; i < this.commitCount; i++) { # Draw dot
var x = offsetX + 20 * this.commits[i].time, y, 3).attr(
, y = offsetY + 10 * this.commits[i].space fill: @colors[]
, c
, ps;
// Draw dot, y, 3).attr({
fill: this.colors[this.commits[i].space],
stroke: "none" stroke: "none"
}); )
// Draw lines # Draw lines
for (var j = 0, jj = this.commits[i].parents.length; j < jj; j++) { for parent in commit.parents
c = this.preparedCommits[this.commits[i].parents[j][0]]; parentCommit = @preparedCommits[parent[0]]
ps = this.commits[i].parents[j][1]; parentX = offsetX + 20 * parentCommit.time
var cx = offsetX + 20 * c.time parentY1 = offsetY + 10 *
, cy = offsetY + 10 * parentY2 = offsetY + 10 * parent[1]
, psy = offsetY + 10 * ps; if is and is parent[1]
if ( == this.commits[i].space && == ps) { r.path(["M", x, y, "L", parentX, parentY1]).attr(
r.path([ stroke: @colors[]
"M", x, y,
"L", cx, cy
stroke: this.colors[],
"stroke-width": 2 "stroke-width": 2
}); )
else if <
if y is parentY2
r.path(["M", x - 5, y, "l-5,-2,0,4,5,-2", "L", x - 10, y, "L", x - 15, parentY2, "L", parentX + 5, parentY2, "L", parentX, parentY1]).attr(
stroke: @colors[]
"stroke-width": 2
r.path(["M", x - 3, y - 6, "l-4,-3,4,-2,0,5", "L", x - 5, y - 10, "L", x - 10, parentY2, "L", parentX + 5, parentY2, "L", parentX, parentY1]).attr(
stroke: @colors[]
"stroke-width": 2
} else if ( < this.commits[i].space) { else
if (y == psy) { r.path(["M", x - 3, y + 6, "l-4,3,4,2,0,-5", "L", x - 5, y + 10, "L", x - 10, parentY2, "L", parentX + 5, parentY2, "L", parentX, parentY1]).attr(
r.path([ stroke: @colors[]
"M", x - 5, y,
"L", x - 10, y,
"L", x - 15, psy,
"L", cx + 5, psy,
"L", cx, cy])
stroke: this.colors[this.commits[i].space],
"stroke-width": 2
} else {
"M", x - 3, y - 6,
"L", x - 5, y - 10,
"L", x - 10, psy,
"L", cx + 5, psy,
"L", cx, cy])
stroke: this.colors[this.commits[i].space],
"stroke-width": 2
} else {
"M", x - 3, y + 6,
"L", x - 5, y + 10,
"L", x - 10, psy,
"L", cx + 5, psy,
"L", cx, cy])
stroke: this.colors[],
"stroke-width": 2 "stroke-width": 2
}); )
if (this.commits[i].refs) {
this.appendLabel(x, y, this.commits[i].refs);
// mark commit and displayed in the center
if (this.commits[i].id == this.options.commit_id) {
'M', x, y - 5,
'L', x + 4, y - 15,
'L', x - 4, y - 15,
"fill": "#000",
"fill-opacity": .7,
"stroke": "none"
scrollLeft = x - graphWidth / 2;
this.appendAnchor(top, this.commits[i], x, y); @appendLabel x, y, commit.refs if commit.refs
top.toFront(); # Mark commit and displayed in the center
this.element.scrollLeft(scrollLeft); if is @options.commit_id
this.bindEvents(); r.path(["M", x, y - 5, "L", x + 4, y - 15, "L", x - 4, y - 15, "Z"]).attr(
}; fill: "#000"
"fill-opacity": .7
BranchGraph.prototype.bindEvents = function(){ stroke: "none"
var drag = {} )
, element = this.element;
scrollLeft = x - graphWidth / 2
var dragger = function(event){
element.scrollLeft( - (event.clientX - drag.x)); @appendAnchor top, commit, x, y
element.scrollTop( - (event.clientY - drag.y));
}; top.toFront()
@element.scrollLeft scrollLeft
element.on({ @bindEvents()
mousedown: function (event) {
drag = { bindEvents: ->
x: event.clientX, drag = {}
y: event.clientY, element = @element
st: element.scrollTop(), dragger = (event) ->
sl: element.scrollLeft() element.scrollLeft - (event.clientX - drag.x)
}; element.scrollTop - (event.clientY - drag.y)
$(window).on('mousemove', dragger);
} element.on mousedown: (event) ->
}); drag =
$(window).on({ x: event.clientX
mouseup: function(){ y: event.clientY
//bars.animate({opacity: 0}, 300); st: element.scrollTop()
$(window).off('mousemove', dragger); sl: element.scrollLeft()
}, $(window).on "mousemove", dragger
keydown: function(event){
if(event.keyCode == 37){ $(window).on
// left mouseup: ->
element.scrollLeft( element.scrollLeft() - 50); $(window).off "mousemove", dragger
} keydown: (event) ->
if(event.keyCode == 38){ # left
// top element.scrollLeft element.scrollLeft() - 50 if event.keyCode is 37
element.scrollTop( element.scrollTop() - 50); # top
} element.scrollTop element.scrollTop() - 50 if event.keyCode is 38
if(event.keyCode == 39){ # right
// right element.scrollLeft element.scrollLeft() + 50 if event.keyCode is 39
element.scrollLeft( element.scrollLeft() + 50); # bottom
} element.scrollTop element.scrollTop() + 50 if event.keyCode is 40
if(event.keyCode == 40){
// bottom appendLabel: (x, y, refs) ->
element.scrollTop( element.scrollTop() + 50); r = @raphael
} shortrefs = refs
} # Truncate if longer than 15 chars
}); shortrefs = shortrefs.substr(0, 15) + "…" if shortrefs.length > 17
}; text = r.text(x + 5, y + 8 + 10, shortrefs).attr(
font: "10px Monaco, monospace"
BranchGraph.prototype.appendLabel = function(x, y, refs){ fill: "#FFF"
var r = this.raphael
, shortrefs = refs
, text, textbox, rect;
if (shortrefs.length > 17){
// Truncate if longer than 15 chars
shortrefs = shortrefs.substr(0,15) + "…";
text = r.text(x+5, y+8 + 10, shortrefs).attr({
font: "10px Monaco, monospace",
fill: "#FFF",
title: refs title: refs
}); )
textbox = text.getBBox()
text.transform ["t", textbox.height / -4, textbox.width / 2 + 5, "r90"]
# Create rectangle based on the size of the textbox
rect = r.rect(x, y, textbox.width + 15, textbox.height + 5, 4).attr(
fill: "#000"
"fill-opacity": .7
stroke: "none"
triangle = r.path(["M", x, y + 5, "L", x + 4, y + 15, "L", x - 4, y + 15, "Z"]).attr(
fill: "#000"
"fill-opacity": .7
stroke: "none"
# Rotate and reposition rectangle over text
rect.transform ["r", 90, x, y, "t", 15, -9]
# Set text to front
textbox = text.getBBox(); appendAnchor: (top, commit, x, y) ->
text.transform([ r = @raphael
't', textbox.height/-4, textbox.width/2 + 5, options = @options
'r90' anchor =, y, 10).attr(
]); fill: "#000"
opacity: 0
// Create rectangle based on the size of the textbox
rect = r.rect(x, y, textbox.width + 15, textbox.height + 5, 4).attr({
"fill": "#000",
"fill-opacity": .7,
"stroke": "none"
triangle = r.path([
'M', x, y + 5,
'L', x + 4, y + 15,
'L', x - 4, y + 15,
"fill": "#000",
"fill-opacity": .7,
"stroke": "none"
// Rotate and reposition rectangle over text
'r', 90, x, y,
't', 15, -9
// Set text to front
BranchGraph.prototype.appendAnchor = function(top, commit, x, y) {
var r = this.raphael
, options = this.options
, anchor;
anchor =, y, 10).attr({
fill: "#000",
opacity: 0,
cursor: "pointer" cursor: "pointer"
}) ).click(->
.click(function(){ options.commit_url.replace("%s",, "_blank"'%s',, '_blank'); ).hover(->
}) @tooltip = r.commitTooltip(x, y + 5, commit)
.hover(function(){ top.push @tooltip.insertBefore(this)
this.tooltip = r.commitTooltip(x, y + 5, commit); , ->
top.push(this.tooltip.insertBefore(this)); @tooltip and @tooltip.remove() and delete @tooltip
}, function(){ )
this.tooltip && this.tooltip.remove() && delete this.tooltip; top.push anchor
top.push(anchor); Raphael::commitTooltip = (x, y, commit) ->
}; icon = undefined
nameText = undefined
this.BranchGraph = BranchGraph; idText = undefined
messageText = undefined
}(this); boxWidth = 300
Raphael.fn.commitTooltip = function(x, y, commit){ boxHeight = 200
var icon, nameText, idText, messageText icon = @image(, x, y, 20, 20)
, boxWidth = 300 nameText = @text(x + 25, y + 10,
, boxHeight = 200; idText = @text(x, y + 35,
messageText = @text(x, y + 50, commit.message)
icon = this.image(, x, y, 20, 20); textSet = @set(icon, nameText, idText, messageText).attr(
nameText = this.text(x + 25, y + 10,; "text-anchor": "start"
idText = this.text(x, y + 35,; font: "12px Monaco, monospace"
messageText = this.text(x, y + 50, commit.message); )
textSet = this.set(icon, nameText, idText, messageText).attr({ font: "14px Arial"
"text-anchor": "start",
"font": "12px Monaco, monospace"
"font": "14px Arial",
"font-weight": "bold" "font-weight": "bold"
}); )
"fill": "#AAA"
textWrap(messageText, boxWidth - 50);
var rect = this.rect(x - 10, y - 10, boxWidth, 100, 4).attr({ idText.attr fill: "#AAA"
"fill": "#FFF", @textWrap messageText, boxWidth - 50
"stroke": "#000", rect = @rect(x - 10, y - 10, boxWidth, 100, 4).attr(
"stroke-linecap": "round", fill: "#FFF"
stroke: "#000"
"stroke-linecap": "round"
"stroke-width": 2 "stroke-width": 2
}); )
var tooltip = this.set(rect, textSet); tooltip = @set(rect, textSet)
height: tooltip.getBBox().height + 10
width: tooltip.getBBox().width + 10
tooltip.transform ["t", 20, 20]
rect.attr({ Raphael::textWrap = (t, width) ->
"height" : tooltip.getBBox().height + 10, content = t.attr("text")
"width" : tooltip.getBBox().width + 10 abc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
}); t.attr text: abc
letterWidth = t.getBBox().width / abc.length
tooltip.transform([ t.attr text: content
't', 20, 20 words = content.split(" ")
]); x = 0
s = []
return tooltip;
function textWrap(t, width) { for word in words
var content = t.attr("text"); if x + (word.length * letterWidth) > width
var abc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; s.push "\n"
t.attr({ x = 0
"text" : abc x += word.length * letterWidth
}); s.push word + " "
var letterWidth = t.getBBox().width / abc.length;
"text" : content
var words = content.split(" "); t.attr text: s.join("")
var x = 0, s = []; b = t.getBBox()
for ( var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { h = Math.abs(b.y2) - Math.abs(b.y) + 1
t.attr y: b.y + h
var l = words[i].length; @BranchGraph = BranchGraph
if (x + (l * letterWidth) > width) {
x = 0;
x += l * letterWidth;
s.push(words[i] + " ");
"text" : s.join("")
var b = t.getBBox()
, h = Math.abs(b.y2) - Math.abs(b.y) + 1;
"y": b.y + h
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