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Prioritized labels 4

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • priority:immediate
    PyCQA / flake8
    This bug requires a fix as quickly as possible and will usually merit a release that immediately follows its merging.
  • priority:high
    PyCQA / flake8
    This bug should be fixed before the next release so that it can be distributed as soon as possible. This may block the next release if it is not fixed.
  • priority:medium
    PyCQA / flake8
    This would be nice to have in one of the next couple releases but will not block the *next* release.
  • priority:low
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is a bug or feature that is not a priority for the core development team. It will not block future releases.
  • Labels 36

  • feature:rejected
    PyCQA / flake8
    This designates a new feature proposal that has been rejected by the project team.
  • fix:committed
    PyCQA / flake8
    The fix for this bug has been committed/merged
  • The fix for this is in a dependency and relies on them to perform a release
  • fix:released
    PyCQA / flake8
    The fix for this bug was released.
  • git transition
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is a deprecated label related to the transition of the Flake8 project from mercurial to git
  • help wanted
    PyCQA / flake8
    The project developers are having trouble developing a fix for this bug or reproducing it. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
  • incomplete:details
    PyCQA / flake8
    This indicates that an issue needs more details before the project can confirm the presence of the bug
  • incomplete:feedback
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is used to indicate when a pull request has feedback it needs to address before completion.
  • status:do-not-merge
    PyCQA / flake8
    For the reason specified in the issue, do not merge this merge request.
  • status:in-progress
    PyCQA / flake8
    There is a pull request to fix this that requires review and may be merged
  • status:invalid
    PyCQA / flake8
    This was reported as a bug but was determined to not actually be a bug in the project
  • status:needs-review
    PyCQA / flake8
    This item needs to be reviewed by users and developers of Flake8
  • status:won't fix
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is behaviour that the project team has decided will not be "fixed"
  • tech-debt:coverage
    PyCQA / flake8
    The technical debt in this issue is related to test coverage
  • tech-debt:documentation
    PyCQA / flake8
    The techical debt in this issue is related to poor or non-existent documentation
  • tech-debt:hack
    PyCQA / flake8
    The technical debt in this issue is related to a quick-fix or a hackish solution