expired on Dec 22, 2015
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- When deleting branches through UI (remove source branch) causes double notifications
- Add Key button when adding SSH keys remains blocked even when all information is correct
- Can't add attachment in the comment form and in the new issue
- When `.gitlab-ci.yml` isn’t present and builds are reported via API, status should be still available
- Merge immediately doesn't seem to work
- Error 500 when creating merge requests with submodule deletion
- Simultaneously accepting multiple MRs results in loss of MRs
- Can't comment :+1: to a commit
- Error when try comment on commit
- When I change group member permission - ajax request return 500 error
- Star count in project partials doesn't update after toggling star
- Last commit is not shown on the commits history page
- Web UI create/delete branch actions do not trigger custom hooks
- Release 8.3.9
- Release 8.3.4
- 500 errors on GET /api/v3/projects/
- Use gitlab-workhorse 0.5.3 with GitLab 8.3.3
- Release 8.3.3
- Release 8.3.2
- Release 8.3.1
- Infinite scroll (re)loads the same information
- mergeInProgress JS can redirect user to an invalid URL
- UI issue with "This issue will be closed automatically" message
- Have Changes tab on the right of the merge request instead of the build tab
- Upgrade Poltergeist to the latest possible version
- MR "Merge Immediately" doesn't update button with "Merge in progress"
- 8.3 Regressions
- CI migrations fail due to duplicate CI projects
- Move issues from `feature request` to `feature proposal`
- Relative timestamps broken on activity feed
- Zero Config CI
- Regression: Home page url setting to redirect non logged in users doesn't work
- Release 8.3
- Add my bigger changes of the last two weeks to the changelog
- How to measure how actively users cohorts are using GitLab
- Remove the Code Freeze
- Put network inside Graph
- Add syntax highlighting to diff view
- Add labels to issue and MR without going to edit
- Dashboard has dedicated projects/activity pages, but group does not.
- Group avatar upload is broken in Firefox (Win) in 8.2.2
- Don't allow to edit award emoji comments
- Problems with emojis
- GitLab Pages
- Enabling CI by default problems when using other CI services
- Second level heading seems smaller than third level heading
- Transition to this issue tracker
- Rails deprecation warning about log_level
- Rails noise: Celluloid is running in BACKPORTED mode
- Hide .gitlab-ci.yml not found if builds feature is disabled
- List commits in merge request API
- The universal patch update guide needs an update
- Events API, Issue and Merge Request Comments.
- Persistent shared Gitlab CI registration token
- Git LFS for 0 size files
- Clipboard button styling is off when the group/repo name is longer
- Cancel build results in 500 in 8.2
- When emojis don't fit the width of the page, the last emoji image doesn't show, only its counter.
- Emoji bug: Invalid url to image
- Show LFS objects in UI
- Organize UX issues
- copy repo url to clipboard button
- I can't remove source branch on MR page
- Add documentation about random UUID for file uploads
- Fix overhanging magnet link on markdown pages
- Commit comments don't trigger notifcations unless user is mentioned
- 500 error when creating a merge request that removes a submodule
- Migrate all Ci::Project data to Project
- Link to MR in builds log page
- If you try to edit a file on a protected branch as a developer, the branch should default to patch-n
- Document pipeline triggers
- Trim trailing whitespace of milestone titles
- Error message for space in branch name
- Add captcha to prevent spam
- Automatically fork if logged in
- CI Trigger URL not working if branch name contains /
- Serve HTML build artifacts as website, a.k.a. GitLab Pages
- Fire update hook from GitLab
- Update to Sidekiq 4
- Gmail actions incorrectly showing on "access to project granted" emails
- Remove branch confirmation dialog
- Warning about mentioning many people in a comment looks bad
- New project buttons are difficult to understand
- Copy to Clipboard is finally no longer total ****
- Notification level should be decoupled from membership
- Optimistic Issue closing with JS
- Import GitHub Pull Requests into GitLab
- Assignee selector is empty when "Unassigned" is selected
- consider loosening dependency on doorkeeper
- CI errors on gitlab-ce fork
- Look into updating to Rails 4.2.4?
- Integrate CI in the CE interface and menu's
- Allow GitLab admins to create new user identities
- Sidetiq seems to have been abandoned
- Improve caching which was reverted
- Milestone view doesn't update after drag&drop